Robert Hackett's Selected Publications

(Where co-authors are not listed, R. Hackett is the sole author)


K. Cross and R. Hackett. Political Communication and the News Media in Democracies: Competing Perspectives. Kyiv: Osnovy Press, 2000. 142 pp. (In Ukrania only; translated under the auspices of the Canada-Ukraine Democratic Education Project: Queen's University, Kingston, and Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv.)

R. Hackett and R. Gruneau, with D. Gutstein, T. Gibson and NewsWatch Canada. The Missing News: Filters and Blind Spots in Canada's Press. Ottawa: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives/Toronto: Garamond Press, 2000. 258 pp.

R. Hackett (senior author) and Y. Zhao. Sustaining Democracy? Journalism and the Politics of Objectivity. Toronto: Garamond Press, 1998, 294 pp.

Engulfed: Peace Protest and America's Press during the Gulf War. New York: New York University Center for War, Peace, and the News Media, 1993. Monograph published as Occasional Paper, 65 pp.

News and Dissent: The Press and the Politics of Peace in Canada. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1991, 331 pp.

Pie in the Sky: A History of the Ontario Waffle. Monograph published as a special edition of Canadian Dimension, Vol. 15, Nos, 1 & 2 (October/November 1980), 72 pp.

Journal Articles

"Taking Back the Media: Notes on the Potential for a Communicative Democracy Movement," Studies in Political Economy 63 (Autumn 2000): 61-86.

M. Karlberg and R. Hackett, "Cancelling each other out? Interest group perceptions of the news media," Canadian Journal of Communication vol. 21, no. 4 (Winter 1996): 461-472.

R. Hackett and Y. Zhao, "Challenging a Master Narrative: Peace protest and opinion/editorial discourse in the US press during the Gulf War", Discourse & Society, Vol. 5, No. 4 (October 1994), pp. 509-541.

R. Hackett, P. Savage and W.O. Gilsdorf, "News Balance Rhetoric: The Fraser Institute's Political Appropriation of Content Analysis", Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Winter 1992), pp 15-36.

"Coups, Earthquakes, and Hostages? Foreign News on Canadian Television", Canadian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 22, No. 4 (December 1989), pp 809-25. Reprinted in Marc Grenier (ed.), Critical Studies of Canadian Mass Media, (Toronto: Butterworths, 1992) pp. 313-327.

"Hot News, Cold War", Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 14, No. 1 (February 1989), pp. 76-81

"For a Socialist Perspective on the News Media", Studies in Political Economy, No. 19 (Spring 1986), pp. 141-156.

"A Hierarchy of Access: Aspects of Source Bias in Canadian TV News", Journalism Quarterly (Summer 1985), pp. 256-65, 277.

"Decline of a Paradigm? Bias and Objectivity in News Media Studies", Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 1, No. 3 (September 1984), pp. 229-59. An abridged version is reprinted in Michael Gurevitch and Mark R. Levy (eds.), Mass Communication Review Yearbook, Vol. 5 (Beverly Hills: Sage, 1985), pp. 251-74, a compilation of the year's "best in recent mass communication research".

"Depiction of Labour and Business in Canadian National Telivision News", Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol 10, No. 1 (Winter 1983), pp. 5-50. (This article received the 1985 Graham Spry Memorial Award for the best research article published in the previous year's volume for the Journal.) Republished in Marc Grenier (ed.), Critical Studies of Canadian Mass Media, (Toronto: Butterworths, 19992), pp. 59-82.

Edited Volume

W.O. Gilsdorf, R. Hackett and P. Savage, Questioning Balance: Struggles over Broadcasting Policy and Practices. Special issue of Canadian Journal of Communication, Vol. 17, No. 1 Winter 1992).


"The News Media and Civic Equality: Watch Dogs, Mad Dogs, or Lap Dogs?," in Ed Broadbent (ed.), Democratic Equality: What Went Wrong?, University of Toronto Press, pp. 197-212.

"News Media's Influence on Canadian Party Politics: Perspectives on a Shifting Relationship." in Hugh G. Thorburn & Alan Whitehorn (eds.), Party Politics in Canada, 8th edition, (Toronto: Prentice Hall, 2001), pp. 381-397.

"Missing News," in Peter Phillips and Project Censored, Censored 1999: The News That Didn't Make the News. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1999, pp. 137-152.

"The press and foreign policy dissent: The case of the Gulf War," in Abbas Malek (ed.), News Media and Foreign Relations: A Multifaceted Perspective, Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1996, pp. 141-160.

R. Hackett, R. Pinet and M. Ruggles, "News for whom? Hegemony and monopoly versus democracy in Canadian media," in Helen Holmes and David Taras (eds.), Seeing Ourselves: Media Power and Policy in Canada, 2nd edition, Toronto: HBJ Canada, 1996, pp. 257-272. [Substancially revised version of "From Audience-Commodity...," 1992, 1986.]

"An exaggerated death: Prefatory comments on 'objectivity' in journalism," in V. A;ia, B. Hoffmaster, and B. Brennan (eds.), Journalism Ethics in a Changing World, Halifax: Fernwood, 1996, pp. 40-43.

R. hackett and Y. Zhao, "Are ethics enough? 'Objective' journalism versus sustainable democracy," in V. Alia et al (eds.), Journalisms Ethics in a Changing World, Halifax: Fernwood, 1996, pp. 44-58.

R. Hackett and L. Hissey, "News media and party politics in Canada: Perspectives on a shifting relationship", in H. G. Thorburn (ed.), Party Politics in Canada, 7th edition, Scarborogh: Prentice-Hall, 1995, pp. 34-53. [Substantially revised version of "Who sets the agenda?," 1991.]

R. Hackett and L. Hissey, "Who Sets the Agenda? Perspectives and Media and Party Politics in Canada", in Hugh G. Thorborn (ed.), Party Politics in Canada, 6th edition, Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1991, pp. 42-52.

R. Gruneau and R. Hackett, "The Production of T.V. News", in John Downing, et al. (eds.), Questioning the Media: A Critical Introduction. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1990, pp. 281-295.

"Remembering the Audience: Notes on Control, Ideology and Oppositional Strategy in the News Media," in Richard Gruneau (ed.), Popular Cultures and Political Practices. Toronto: Garamond, 1988, pp. 83-100. [A Substancially revised version of "For a Socialist Perspective..." mentioned above.]

"The Waffle Conflict in the NDP", in Hugh G. Thorburn (ed.) Party Politics in Canada, 4th edition. Scarborough: Prentice-Hall, 1979, pp. 188-205.

Published Research Reports

Gutstein, D. (primary author), R. Hackett and NewsWatch Canada, Question the Sun! A Content Analysis of Diversity in the Vancouver Sun Before and After the Hollinger Takeoveer. Burnaby: NewsWatch Canada, 1998.

Mark Lowe (co-ordinating editor), R. Hackett, D. Gutstein, J. Winter & R. Gruneau (eds.), Project Censored Canada 1996 Yearbook: Blindspots in the News Agenda? (Burnaby: Simon Fraser University, Project Censored Canada, 1996). 94 pp.

K. Manson, R. Hackett, J. Winter, D. Gutstein, and R. Gruneau (eds.), Blindspots in the News? Project Censored Canada: 1995 Yearbook. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University, Project Censored Canada, 1995. v + 62 pp.

D. Gutstein, R. Hackett and Project Censored Canada, Project Censored Canada: Researching the nation's news agenda, 1994 Yearbook. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University, project Censored Canada, 1994, 52 pp.

R. Hackett with assistance from J. Mackintosh, D. Robinson and A. Shwetz, "Smaller Voices: Minor Parties, Campaign Communication, and the News Media", in Frederick J. Fletcher (ed.), Reporting the Campaign: Election Coverage in Canada, Vol. 22 of Research Studies for the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, Toronto: Dundern Press, 1991, pp. 189-271.